Sunday, March 19, 2006

Whaddya wanna be?

Good day bloggie.

Here's the weekend come and gone again SOON. This weekend's gotta be the most welcome relief to another not so likable week at work..had dinner with cell on Friday night, and went out thereafter. Without getting any sleep on Fri, I actually managed to stay out for the whole day on Saturday :)

How did I survive the past week? I was singled out, frustrated, and in my opinion, stuck in a job I didnt want to be in. I felt stigmatised by the environs..felt dejected by the times things went wrong.

Yet God's amazing grace once more pulled me thru the entire week. I feel the need to be constantly depending on Him rather than trying to achieve something with my bare hands. Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain. This has been a verse that has been stuck in my head, and I hope I do live by that.

How do I deal with my frustration? How do I keep my anger in check, when I feel that I've been wronged? I stay calm and I try to put myself in the other's person shoes. With what I can possibily percieve as their reactions, I can better understand why the are reacting in that particular manner. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Thats #2.

Fergus sent me some interesting and useful tips on cold-calling, and I'm thankful of that. I've fowarded it to my collegues, and I hope that it helps them as much as it has benefited me. i certainly hope I'm not infringing on any copyrights here :)

Dragging my sleepy and CO clouded mind to Paradiz Centre, I attended an interesting sharing session on Saturday. While this is an area which I used to shy away from, I surprised even myself by actually looking foward to it, and to being a part of it I'm thankful for the opportunity to once more expose myself to new knowledge and opportunities. While I'm hesitant to give a straight OK to the nice folks who've invited me to be a part of their team, my answer isnt a sure NO. Heh.

The sermons covered during the past few weeks have really set my mind thinking..and pondering over facts. I struggle with evangelism as I had the opinion that I wasnt cut out for it, and that there were other ways to serve other than in the area of evangelism. Learning from the past few messages have drastically altered my perception about that subject issue.

What matters to me more is how I am living my life, and the corrective actions that I may have taken in a bid to straighten out my tangled life. I'm thankful that I've already taken off a huge rubber band off my shoulder this year,and a BIG stronghold at that.

I realise once more that it is essential that I set a good example to those around me that I may represent the body of Christ in an manner that is pleasing to God, and as an example to those around me.

This is what I wanna achieve:

1) An encouragement to others: May my words be of salt and grace, and of encouragement to others.

2) Using what God has blessed me to serve: I dont wish to put God's blessing to waste. I hope to develop my talents and use them in a righteous manner.

3) Overcoming my shyness and low self esteem: Well...I am trying :)

4) And of course, overcome my fears of evangelism.

What do you wanna be?


Baby Camera said...

Yes!! Make use of your talent and teach others .. P^^q ..


Anonymous said...

low self esteem? no not you...

in the past i do have the same sentiments with regards to evangelism (i.e to use other talents) but lately i realised that evangelism is merely telling people what you believe...u may not convert the person but you plant the seed for others to make it grow. also if you are able to convey what you belief to others, it also test you on whether you believe in what you believe or not. Right? So evangelism is not only about the other party but it is also about you... think about it