Monday, March 27, 2006


Why is there suffering in this world?

I’m sure this is an oft-asked question asked by the human race, on a direct or indirect basis. Personally speaking, this is a question I don’t throw out that often, but I do have moments where I question the need to allow suffering into this world.

“Suffering” is not a bad thing in itself. Sometimes, it is what you make up of it. I take no pleasure in admitting that I do get confronted in moments that I define as suffering: inner doubts and struggles, conflict, emotional traumas etc. We may have brought suffering upon ourselves, or we might be victims of someone else’s misdemeanors.

Someone once mentioned that you do not have control of what comes crashing into you (90%), but you can CHOOSE how you respond to it (10%). While the proportion seems comically disproportionate, it is the 10% that makes the difference. You can let it ruin your day, or you can take it in your stride and enjoy the beautiful remaining moments ahead.

Last Friday, in response to several of my teammates’ disillusionment and low morale, we attended a prep talk by our training manager. Once more, I am reminded of the fact that what breaks us either kills us or makes us stronger. The choice is ours and ours alone.

It’s hard to keep check on our emotions and take things in a positive light, but we gotta try and rise up above our problems.

Sometimes the “sufferings” in your life allow you to see other things you normally don’t see. In times of bad, you can now see your true friends and family members rallying around to help and support you through your period of crisis. Helping someone to tide over their crisis while you are in your own helps you too look beyond your problems and in the process, mature in friendship and self-development.

I was fortunate enough to have great families and wonderful friends, believers and non believers alike, who listened, encouraged, and even lent a shoulder to cry own. In my own right, I hope I will be able to repay them the favor, and in a greater measure.

What matters more is not how much you have suffered, or how much are you suffering, but your ATTITUDE towards your present condition. You have the CHOICE.

And so do I.


Anonymous said...

Well, everyone suffers that is for sure. the world is not perfect, even Christ suffer. but we should believe that at the end we shall receieve the prize of eternal glory that He has prepared for us.

fergus said...

It boils back to 'The Question'

Why are you on this world? What is your purpose in life? What is going to happen?

I believe a person is placed here cause (in a religious context) God wants his children to be nurtured and to grow.

Suffering, is a way of growing

(This is contradictory to whats happening nowadays when parents give their children everything, resulting in spoilt pampered kids. But you get the idea)