Monday, April 10, 2006


Wow. The week passes so fast, and its been a WEEK! since I last updated this space. Last Monday saw me being "fired", this Monday saw me starting my first day at my new workplace.

I was still pretty in a state of daze when I left my ex workplace last week. Although deep in my heart I knew that that was not the place for me to be in, I was still unsure if I had made the right choice in moving on. I went back for a "farewell" lunch on Tuesday, where I really enjoyed the company and the fun we had over lunch..

On Tuesday, I spotted this job opportunity as an events assistant. Naturally I was super excited and called up straight away. I went down for the interview full of hope, but I guess that wasnt the right place for me to be at that point in time. I didnt make it thru the second round! Wahaha.

Nevertheless, I thank God for a really efficient person by the name of Jaz...haha. A super enthusiastic and bubbly person I got to know. She's been of great help in keeping a lookout for me, and before I knew it, I was penning down details for my new job offer and attending an interview on Friday.

I wasnt really expecting to get the job cause I slept really late on Wed night, and as could be expected, was kinda zombified on the day itself. I was really nervous but the manager was super disarming. We had an interview over the wine counter in the pantry, and I was almost expecting to be offered some red wine during the interview itself!

Surprise surprise. In 30 mins flat I recieved the good news that I had been accepted, and "they liked me so much" that they extended my minimal contract to 3 months. I could stay indefinetly if I wanted.Ooo.

Saturday saw me doing street E's for the first time. Now to those who know me well, I always regarded this area as my weakness. I was really apprehensive about doing it in the first place, but after a period of learning, discovery and spritual prompting, I decided to go for it. At the end of it, I realised that it was not about "how ready I was", but the condition of my heart and my level of faith.

I was rather nervous, but I had a great time learning from James, who apparently was really experienced in this area of ministry. I'd like to thank James for his patience and the deep chat we had along the way, plus all of those who came along for being encouraging and supportive in their own special way.

I was deeply touched as the topic of "suffering" spoke to me greatly. Somehow, I prayed that this topic would strike deep into the hearts of those we were to minister to. Lo and behold! I met Tom, who was really an answered prayer in every sense. He was simply the highlight of the event. God is amazing!

I am thankful that
1) I finally got out of my ex job
2) I had a one week break!
3) I've a new job in less than a week.

For the past few weeks, I was in a state of searching and self reflection. I look on my spritual life and I wonder how far I have moved since the day I first came to be exposed to Christian teaching. I realised that at times, my knowledge of the Bible seemed inadequate. As I questioned myself, I was seeking the reasons behind my "slow" spritual progress.

Amidst all the involvement in the ministries that I am in now, I fear that I may have lost touch of the big picture. I fear that I could have been serving for the wrong reasons, but I do feel a strong sense of spritual passion for the ministries I am involved in.

Sometimes, I fear that I may develop this sprit of arrogance and self exaltation. May the good Lord humble my heart and keep me in check.

As I reflect on my walk with God, I am reminded of the need to be humble and seeking, not only in my spritual walk, but in the daily activities that I do. Christ's Humuilty was one of the impactful messages I've heard so far, and one that convicts me and puts my heart to shame.

God help me.

I have nothing to say about my new job, coz its the first day, but its a freezer in there (20 degrees), and the job's certainly exciting!

This time, I am DETERMINED not to repeat my mistake. May God be my daily companion thru every season of the soul.

To end off, I'd like to thamk the so many people who've been a great source of encouragement and support. Thank God for all of U.



Jon Lai said...

I'm sure u like the freezer temperatures... LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Thank be to God for your new job!

Street E eh? Super! Keep spreading the good news (gospels)

Recently, there's been a great deal/exposure about the lost gospel of Judas. Somehow I feel people are bored.

Personally, I think one of the most important gospel is the 5th one. The name of the gospel is called 'Christians'. Let's face it, non-believers won't read the bible. So they won't know much about the gospels except through us, believers. But are we (believers) behaving like somebody who have heard the gospels? Or are we behaving like somebody who have just been baptized in tom-yam soup?

Wouldn't it be great if non-believers can see the gospels in us? Wouldn't it be good if Christians could be the great and walking 5th gospel?

Keep the street E rocking!

Selah (pause, and calmly think of that)

:) MNeo

fergus said...

The lord is my shephard;
I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anoitest my head with oil;
My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the lord for ever.

-Psalms 23 KJV
Does that mean something to you? Or is it relevant?
Is it irrelevant?
Whats relevant?
Who? When? Where?

*maniacal laughter*

Anonymous said...

You read your comments?

Anyhow,God is always more tolerant of our mistakes then we can give Him credit for.

I am very happy to see you growing, and desiring to move and keep time with God, despite the struggles and the occassional wanting to "do things your way".

Remember that your future is blessed. All things work out for the good of those who love Him.

You are made for greatness.
