Monday, April 03, 2006

The Emancipation of Frazzie

24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year. That’s what is given to us. How we utilize it is up to us!

Time is precious indeed. I find myself in a constant battle for time, time and more time to juggle between work, personal commitments and time for myself plus indulging in the things I want to do. Over the weekends, I wish I had more time to spend with my family and myself.

On Thursday night, I had a bad relapse of gastric pains. It had already hit me since Tues, but I didn’t want to see a doctor as I regarded it as a minor problem. However, the pain was so bad that I couldn’t even sleep on Thursday night. The end result was a zombie-fied me dragging my feet to the clinic. I was SO tired that my aunt had to wave in front of me before I realized that I had actually bumped into her along the way.

As I waited for 30mins, freezing in the otherwise undercooled common space of the clinic; I started thinking about the state of mind I was in. The confusion and struggles were certainly getting to me and making me a bitter and paranoid person.

I had a chance to chat with my doctor about work and even managed to tell him more about the products I sell. He offered words of encouragements before proclaiming that I had gastric flu and some viral infection.

Now that explains the lethargy and the body aches I’ve been experiencing the whole week. As I’m typing this on a Monday, I’m still pretty worn out by the experience. I napped for a record breaking 5 hours

A week of mad work, cell meetings and the weekends have come and gone by. Friday’s cell was a simple presentation on the 5Cs of evangelism, yet ideas flowed and we ended up doing in much deeper (or was it further?) than we expected. It was a great time of sharing and I was glad we were able to learn from each other. I shared about my struggles with work and gained invaluable perspective from folks who were already in the working world. As for me, I learnt how to be more effective in my spiritual skills in that area. God be willing, I want to be a fisher of men!
Saturday zoomed past so fast, that I didn’t even remember what went on. Sunday was a more interesting day. I attended my first church anniversary (it’s really my first!!) and I was really touched by how a “small” church like ours had big hearts for God. Everyone was working hard to make sure that things were in place, such that the celebrations went on as smooth as possible.

As for me, it was really gratifying as this was one of the few times I actually got off my lazy bum and chose to be involved in the logistics team for this event. Through this, my heart was humbled and I experienced the joy of serving and giving.

The highlight of the event was the sound system in the car park. With a great team of Ad, Art and Mel plus myself, we took down the ancient speakers and wired up the new ones. I was pretty amazed by the improvement in the sound itself, more so on how I was so privileged to be blessed in this area.

On that very night, I had a chat with one great gentleman I got to know recently. M’s a really insightful person and I felt really blessed to have him in my life. I thank God that He has sent this blessing to share unselfishly his learning and experiences!

One thing was for sure though. I was greatly reminded of the very basis of our belief, in JC Himself. At this juncture, I felt convicted. How many times did I actually place my wholehearted belief in Him while things were going haywire? I felt this great need to come before Him and surrender my life.

Monday, yet another day back to the same old place. I called some religious schools today. The B schools didn’t mind placing a listing with us and were extremely polite and friendly over the phone. In contrast, the C and C schools were rather edgy and declined to place a listing as they felt that their course attendees were “referred” by churches and that was no need to create publicity for themselves.

Couldn’t help but feel bewildered. Why were the responses of that of the B and the C institutions of learning so different? I hope wouldn’t display this spirit of exclusiveness when it comes to sharing the goodness of God.

On my MC, I wrote a small note to my manager, sharing with her how I felt that it was of an uphill struggle for me to continue with my telesales stint, and how I was plain frustrated with my inferior command of Chinese to communicate effectively. She was nice and took time to share my concerns and well, I was surprised to learn that in her opinion, I wasn’t doing so badly after all.

However, I voiced my intentions to move on, and although I could sense hesitation in her voice, she agreed to let me go.

I’m officially unemployed now. I walked out of my workplace feeling so much lighter and emancipated.

At this juncture, I’d like to have a little Thanksgiving session:

My aunt: Thanks for passing me your National a/cs! They rock.

Acts 1:8, Ad, Mel N, Mel C, Ferg, Viol and JH: Thanks for praying for me and keeping me sane thru this 1 month.

YPTMTeam: It’s a privilege working with ya lads, lets keep the friendship goin!

Lastly but not least, God, who maketh all things beautiful in His time.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know that you arrive at a conclusion to leave the job... what decisions one made do remember to stick by it and do not turn back and say aiyah should have done this!! this is wat my ex vice principal told me...


Anonymous said...


When things go wrong, which usually will, we can either overcome it and get better or whine over it and get bitter. Personally, I prefer the first action.

And sometimes things go wrong even when we think we are high and mighty in the society. The reason is as the Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor 12:7(NLT): "... But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from getting proud." This is one way God keeps us humble for He knows very well that pride is one of the major causes of failure in our life.

Since you've made the decision to leave, praise God, and look forward. How far and fast can we go when we are always looking at the rear view mirror of our life? God gives us eyes at the front, not back you know. : )

As long as you keep your eyes on Him, you'll be fine. Just be patient. God works according to His timing, not ours.

Stop seeking the God we want, start seeking the God who Is. Very soon you'll find peace.

A gentlemen you called 'M'

Anonymous said...

Hello ,

I'm thank God for all his had done for you life. I'm now in China
and hope to share more about the
things i saw over there .. See Ya

God Blessing

Kevin in China