Thursday, March 30, 2006


Things have been happening lately that somehow pushed me into this state of mind I'm in, of confusion, struggles and fear.

This week, I struggled alot with my temper. I wasnt nagged so much at, but I was really driven up the wall by the attitudes of some people.

Monday and tuesday seemed like they took 96 hours rather than 48 hours. With that state of mind, I was constantly in deep thought and reflection. I kept thinking of the things took place and finally ended up like that

I struggle with my faith. I find it hard to comprehend how I could really pull through this two more months without smashing the monitor or just throwing in the towel. Know how I feel?

My close collegue got sacked on Tues and that really shook me. I started getting paranoid. I heard of rumours that two temp staff were coming in to replace "us". I was expecting myself to be the next to go. However, I was on leave on Wednesday, so I told my collegue to update me on any happenings.

Wednesday, a day of dust, noise and cool relief plus a blast of music finally came and went. The call never came, and I was surprised not to see my seat taken over by someone else. On the table, there was yet but another order form. God's really great at surprising me by placing order forms on my table and making sure thats the 1st thing I see on my table.

Still mentally preparing myself to be sacked, I called my agent to keep her prepared. I was surprised to hear that she doubted that I would be asked to leave and that there was no negative feedback about me. Wow.

Yet as the day passed, it was increasingly hard to focus..I was struggling and it seems like I was about to break.

I wish I could be fired yet ahead lies so many question marks.

God help me!

Monday, March 27, 2006


Why is there suffering in this world?

I’m sure this is an oft-asked question asked by the human race, on a direct or indirect basis. Personally speaking, this is a question I don’t throw out that often, but I do have moments where I question the need to allow suffering into this world.

“Suffering” is not a bad thing in itself. Sometimes, it is what you make up of it. I take no pleasure in admitting that I do get confronted in moments that I define as suffering: inner doubts and struggles, conflict, emotional traumas etc. We may have brought suffering upon ourselves, or we might be victims of someone else’s misdemeanors.

Someone once mentioned that you do not have control of what comes crashing into you (90%), but you can CHOOSE how you respond to it (10%). While the proportion seems comically disproportionate, it is the 10% that makes the difference. You can let it ruin your day, or you can take it in your stride and enjoy the beautiful remaining moments ahead.

Last Friday, in response to several of my teammates’ disillusionment and low morale, we attended a prep talk by our training manager. Once more, I am reminded of the fact that what breaks us either kills us or makes us stronger. The choice is ours and ours alone.

It’s hard to keep check on our emotions and take things in a positive light, but we gotta try and rise up above our problems.

Sometimes the “sufferings” in your life allow you to see other things you normally don’t see. In times of bad, you can now see your true friends and family members rallying around to help and support you through your period of crisis. Helping someone to tide over their crisis while you are in your own helps you too look beyond your problems and in the process, mature in friendship and self-development.

I was fortunate enough to have great families and wonderful friends, believers and non believers alike, who listened, encouraged, and even lent a shoulder to cry own. In my own right, I hope I will be able to repay them the favor, and in a greater measure.

What matters more is not how much you have suffered, or how much are you suffering, but your ATTITUDE towards your present condition. You have the CHOICE.

And so do I.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Looking back, its been about three months since I embarked on the journey of blogging online. What I can say is that this personal little space of mine in the vast world of the internet has been close to my heart. it knows my ups and downs, my joy and sorrow, and my inner thoughts.

This blog has also helped me express myself better. My inability and my reluctance to share and open up had resulted in my heart being hardened and my emotions being suppressed. With this, I am able to better express myself (in words) and in retrospect, I do not suffer from the aftermath of suppressed feelings :P

Expressing my thoughts in writing allows me to revisit the things I write about. In times of bad, as I pen down the posts, I'm able to revisit the situation(s) from a more positive light, identify the learning points and learn from my mistakes.

I hope this site encourages those who may be facing similar situations that I'm writing about. Be hopeful.

As fast as the weekends flew by, I realise I'm typing this on a Wednesday night. My previous post was posted on a Sunday, and that was way before a very uplifting and encouraging chat I had online with Prof Shao.

What seemed like a regular chat session progressed into one where Shao shared his heart for his ministry and the vision impressed upon him. Candidly speaking, I was impressed upon with a similar vision and it was certainly exciting to know that God has teamed us up to complete this mission for Him. As much as Shao felt relieved that he wasn’t the only one who was impressed upon this responsibility, I was relieved to receive this affirmation.

On hindsight, I'm thankful that God seems to be reminding me once more that there's more to this job I'm stuck in, and that I've every reason to be excited and passionate for His works waiting to be fulfilled through me. Because of that, I learn to look beyond my problems (my work) and learn focus on the big picture.

Shao, as we work towards our mission, may our faith be strengthened and stand tall through the test of time and trials. Amen?

Monday was a relatively quiet day. As time goes by, I get to know my team mates better and better. I'm truly appreciative of their presence in my life, they're this motivating factor that makes me wanna go work. Sales was way bad for that day, but the highlight was that we (the believers in our group) actually prayed for God's intervention.

To add on to the highlight, I was actually impressed by God to pray for this particular person. Somehow, the words just flowed and I was very touched when the person affirmed that I had just prayed for his needs (without him telling me what they were).

Somehow, God seems to be using me in ways I've never known or explored before. Praying for my cell members isn’t a habit of mine, let alone my colleagues.

To top of off, I had the privilage of having dinner in town with a great bunch of bros(no pics tho). I can’t believe that we actually sat at BK for more than an hour, chatting and crapping. What a fun experience indeed...I actually suffered from tummy aches from all the prolonged laughter.

I ended Monday with a fabulous note, but more surprises awaited me on Tues. Our sales did pick up (Praise God!) and as I was just joking that I should have prayed for myself coz those I prayed for closed deals, my order forms actually came in. For deserts, I had customers calling in to ask more about the product...and I was simply blown away.

All this happened after I was harboring thoughts of getting myself fired so that I won’t have to pay the early contractual termination fees. Fergus and Adrian were two nice accommodating folks who entertained and encouraged me thru that dreary day.

Wednesday--the day where most of us suffer from the midweek crisis--came and flew past without much mayhem, but I'm counting on God for sustenance for Thurs and Fri...I'm tired!

God Bless.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Whaddya wanna be?

Good day bloggie.

Here's the weekend come and gone again SOON. This weekend's gotta be the most welcome relief to another not so likable week at work..had dinner with cell on Friday night, and went out thereafter. Without getting any sleep on Fri, I actually managed to stay out for the whole day on Saturday :)

How did I survive the past week? I was singled out, frustrated, and in my opinion, stuck in a job I didnt want to be in. I felt stigmatised by the environs..felt dejected by the times things went wrong.

Yet God's amazing grace once more pulled me thru the entire week. I feel the need to be constantly depending on Him rather than trying to achieve something with my bare hands. Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain. This has been a verse that has been stuck in my head, and I hope I do live by that.

How do I deal with my frustration? How do I keep my anger in check, when I feel that I've been wronged? I stay calm and I try to put myself in the other's person shoes. With what I can possibily percieve as their reactions, I can better understand why the are reacting in that particular manner. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Thats #2.

Fergus sent me some interesting and useful tips on cold-calling, and I'm thankful of that. I've fowarded it to my collegues, and I hope that it helps them as much as it has benefited me. i certainly hope I'm not infringing on any copyrights here :)

Dragging my sleepy and CO clouded mind to Paradiz Centre, I attended an interesting sharing session on Saturday. While this is an area which I used to shy away from, I surprised even myself by actually looking foward to it, and to being a part of it I'm thankful for the opportunity to once more expose myself to new knowledge and opportunities. While I'm hesitant to give a straight OK to the nice folks who've invited me to be a part of their team, my answer isnt a sure NO. Heh.

The sermons covered during the past few weeks have really set my mind thinking..and pondering over facts. I struggle with evangelism as I had the opinion that I wasnt cut out for it, and that there were other ways to serve other than in the area of evangelism. Learning from the past few messages have drastically altered my perception about that subject issue.

What matters to me more is how I am living my life, and the corrective actions that I may have taken in a bid to straighten out my tangled life. I'm thankful that I've already taken off a huge rubber band off my shoulder this year,and a BIG stronghold at that.

I realise once more that it is essential that I set a good example to those around me that I may represent the body of Christ in an manner that is pleasing to God, and as an example to those around me.

This is what I wanna achieve:

1) An encouragement to others: May my words be of salt and grace, and of encouragement to others.

2) Using what God has blessed me to serve: I dont wish to put God's blessing to waste. I hope to develop my talents and use them in a righteous manner.

3) Overcoming my shyness and low self esteem: Well...I am trying :)

4) And of course, overcome my fears of evangelism.

What do you wanna be?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Everything in His time

Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and try to pray
and in the silence I can here Him say

The river runs and the river hides
out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
everything in its time.

Apologies for yesterday's lousy post. Just needed to get stuff all my chest.

Was trying to get over my disappointement and my dejection over yesterday's period of down. To be frank, I wasnt that upset anymore but I certainly wasnt expecting any miracles either.

Thats where I was completely wrong. God works in surprising ways. I'm reminded of the fact that God breaks us down so that we can come to him once more...and be reminded of his gracious mercy and grace.

Had a short briefing where we were given some feedback on our performances so far...and after that, I had a little chat with my manager. I shared about my issues and doubts, and she agreed to help me and identify where I could have went wrong.

At the end of it, she mentioned:" I havent given up on you yet, so you shouldnt be giving up on yourself."

What a shock. To be frank, I was expecting her to really holler at me...heh.

Well..what came after that was a complete surprise...I managed to "secure" a deal speaking in CHINESE.. my my my...

After lunch, I had more surprises. I had two orders coming in with payment details. It really came as such a pleasant surprise!

I'm just very thankful that God was so gracious as to have seen the struggles of my heart, and in His own manner, shown me that He still cares and not all hope is lost. Shamelessly, I had despaired in vain and almost sinned by not trusting, but He was gracious enough to have overlooked that and provided so much more.

In all, I pray that my faith will stand the test of time and circumstances, and not be wavered by such happenings.

At this point in time, I would like to thank:

1) God, for His amazing love and grace

2) The entire YP team, who have, in your own ways, kept me sane in this craziness and for being such nice folks.

3) I'm certain there exists my solid prayer warriors who upheld me in their prayers and have been a great source of encouragement. You know who you are. Thank You so much!!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the battles within

What is the truth? Am I that far from it?

I try to smile my tears away
I try to keep my cool
Oh but one more door gets in my way
I feel like such a fool
Trampled and bitter
my heart just wants to bleed and stop
believing in me

What is the truth? Am I far from it?

The battles within me rage. Part of me wants to give it all up and call it quits. The other part of me still wants to press on.

Two days of workweek's enough to drive me mad..made calls to 66 folks on monday that spoke languages I wasnt profecient in. Worse still, all those attempts got me nowhere. I'm truly truly tired and sick of all this...

Worse still, I had this really nasty person over the phone that really left me in such a foul mood that I contemplated not doing anything for the rest of the day.

Still, peace settled upon me and I found the strength to drag my weary and burderned heart, plus my unhelpful now swollen toe thru the day and to where I was supposed to be.

I found no peace today. Woke up, forgot my wallet. Was late for work, and it seems like I've been dealing with non humans but animals instead. The only reason for cheer was a encouragement SMS sent, and that was it.

On top of that, I recieved an SMS from my ex company asking of I would like to temp with them for 6 months. Heck, I wish I could just quit this freaking job and move on to somewhere with more prospects and less despair.

Perhaps Teck Wee was right. I cant depend on people to keep me going...I have to self motivate.And how do you do that when doors keep getting slammed in your face?

Perhaps I should have taken my chinese lessons more seriously. Perhaps I should have been more agrresive. Perhaps perhaps perhaps. It seems too late to do anything now.

Am I on the verge of giving up on myself? I hope not.

Dropped a note to my mgr who looked really stressed. Expressed our appreciation for her help and guidance.

You keep me flying
You keep me smiling
You keep me safe in a crazy world
You understand me
embrace my fragility
You keep me safe in a crazy world
And in your arms I find the strength
to believe in me again

Saturday, March 11, 2006

frayon the limping crayon

To my fella careful while you walk around in slippers!

I made a big mistake wearing slippers to church today. Was setting up the system for demo when I tripped over one of the stage monitors. The aged stage monitor has several sharp edges (its not the road carpet finish they use these days) and I really had a great time trying to stop the bleeding.

Aww man. My toe is rather sore now, and I hope it wont cause too much of a problem wearing shoes....I have to!

This week passed by hard and fast. Being caught up with the expectation of the sales line is really something new and overwhelming to me. I had tension headaches for half a week, and was really munching my way throughout the entire workday.Well, the values of that of a sales person differs from mine at times. I always believed that if a buyer is ready, the sale will go through. Otherwise, it may just be a waste of time.

Some hardcore sales reps may shake their head in disagreement with what I said, but I really am not used to cornering people into committing into stuff. My approach would be to give the person some time to consider.

Oh well. That could be the reason why I hit rather low sales quotas in my course of work. Still, I thank God for the job, the working hours, and the great colleagues and manager...and NOT FORGETTING the ONE SALE i finally made! Wahaha.

Oh yeah. On wed nite, we made a pact amongst ourselves to wear RED to the call centre, and on thurs, all of us, including our manager, trainer and sales manager wore RED! It was just between us. I wonder how they got to know about it! Hahaha..the little things u can take delight in.

However, there were several great moments this week. Out of curiosity, I attended a small meeting of an MLM firm that deals with this really interesting healthcare products. For one, I was comfortable with the size of the group (it was just a few of us at this gentleman's place). Absent was the feeling of suppression and dominance usually associated with most MLM gatherings I have attended. For some reason, I felt completely at ease. These are the reasons why...

1) I had a trustworthy person sitting next to me
2) The hospitality was great, the setting was swell.
3) The speaker was extremely affable and disarming.

I not only learnt about this interesting product that they were marketing, but also drew inspiration from the speaker himself and what was discussed that day. If God wills....hahaha.

Friday was cell group...and it being at my cozy place, I looked forward to it even more so. It still amazes me how God has put do many of His unique creations to gather for a divine purpose and learn from each other. I'm inspired by each and every one of my cell members, and yes, I'm honoured to be hosting the sessions. :) My brother Leon joined us for cell, and I was really glad that he made the effort to!

We had a dear sister who made a guest appearance to share on the topic of evangelism, and I was glad to have this opportunity to have my questions answered and my doubts confronted. Indeed, I am more confident to explore in this area now, and I pray that God will continue to develop me.

Saturday....the day I hurt my toe real bad, yet one of the days I really look forward to. The week's been really mad, but I thank God for the opportunity to look beyond the workweek into the beautiful weekends. Had worship prac this noon, and it was a blessed time filled with laughter!! Well, L&E, I hope I wasnt too corny for your taste...thats what happens when I drink too much corn soup. Thanks for being patient and accommodating.

Was also greatly blessed by the time spent with James, my CL. We went to this lovely eatery to have our dinner and chatted along the way. I'm thankful for the interactions I have with all those around me! James has also been successfully infected with the "accent virus" that I've passed on to him! Hahaha..ying ge po ying ge?

What a week to weep, yet to laugh. I treasure these moments I get to laugh, and when my heart is filled with burden and when expectations heap on me, I treasure them even more so.

A few notes..

JS: SUPER glad to have you back with us!!! Yipee!!
TW and Eu: Now that your "secrets" have been revealed, the cell dosent have to sing accapella anymore.
Ad: Thanks for the exposure bro!
Vio: Thanks for being my prayer warrior!!
Kevin: Great to have you supporting me...I'd be lost without the songs..HAHA.
CL: I knew you could do it, but I'm super glad that you got this far!
To M, A, C: Thanks for all the fun on Saturday morning.
ACTS18: Way to go, brudders.

To all at YP: YOU ROCK!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Memoirs of a tele-geisha

I'm writing this with a massive headache..moments ago I just downed two Panadol Extras with coke in a bid to kill the pain in my head. Had it since noon...and its been affecting my eyesight ever since.

This isnt the first time I'm experiencing such bad headaches. It happened during my stint in SCDF...and it was so bad, I could have had headaches for a week. The shocking fact is that its sinus related. Today's episode was a classic example..I was sniffing thru the entire day and I nosebled in the shower.

Training's over and I'm into work proper. This is the first time I'm in the sales line..and making phone calls instead of people calling me. I've faxed, mailed and emailed so much in a day, more than I've ever done in any day in my entire life. I've spoken till I could finish ten bottles of water in a day and hit the loo every 30mins. The last few days saw hopes dashed, targets not met..and lots of disappointments.

My manager, who was very concerned, mentioned that my call time was low, and indicated that I should engage in longer conversations. She hoped by doing that, I could increase my sales potential. She was very encouraging throughout, but somehow I do not see the link between spending more time on calls and getting more sales.

Oh well. Maybe thats where I've failed.If thats the case, God help me to change. I think there is still a long way for me to go before I grasp the concept, and I hope that I will be given the opportunity to learn and develop.

The last few days and hours saw my stress level rise and rise and rise, but I thank God for blessinf me with a understanding manager and great collegues who were there to encourage and to somehow feel that they are genuine and trustworthy, and not those who'd steal your deals to earn commission. I take comfort that these are the little things I still can give thanks for amidst the amounting pressure and disappointment.

Above all, I see it as a lesson, a development of faith, patience and character and I pray that God will see me through this. At times, I really wish for a life that is mine, but I am very much reminded that life is a learning journey and the Refiner's fire is at work within us.

I'd like to thank all those around me who have in your own special ways, kept me going, from encouaraging and assuring me, and even keeping me busy with other commitments(work is not everything). I hope my post will be an encouragement to those, who, in their own way, are ascending their huge mountain.

bless ya
Fraser JOE

Sunday, March 05, 2006

comeback post


I know it’s been donkey ages since I last updated, but having found a new job, I’ve been on course for Wed and Thursday. We were supposed to start on Friday, but things took on a slower pace. So we start on Monday.

Apologies to those who have waited. I’m excited about this new job; it’s an answered prayer to me. I hoped for an office hour job, so as to be able to serve in the sound and vocalist ministry for church. This job is something new as it involves telesales, but the pay’s pretty good, and there’s commission for sales. Above all, I believe that it’s a learning experience. I get to learn some sales talk and I believe it helps me polish my communication skills and speech ability.

The first day wasn’t scary at all. At least there were some folks who were of my age and day by day, we progressed in friendship. Well, it’s comforting to know that you’d probably face tough customers, but you still have a group of pals and a manager to fall back on. Above all, I place my faith in God for guidance and providence. On Thurs noon, I risked going to town for lunch and ended being late for my training session! Thank goodness I didn’t miss anything that much and I wasn’t scolded.

On Friday, we had a short role play session. I was thankful to know that I didn’t perform so badly at all. I was rather worried that I would totally freeze the moment it was my turn. Having the opportunity to learn and to speak in public certainly comes in useful in times like these.

On Saturday, I had a blast of a time cycling with Mel and YY. We took the connecting routes from Bishan and ended up at Kallang before we decided to head backwards. Cycling is one hot passion of mine and I’m really glad to have cycled with the company of two great folks. Melvin…u ROCK! Haha. I’m super thankful that I had to chance to enjoy my cycling trip before embarking on my job proper. Thank God!

Today, I attended this short course on opportunities for sound engineers today with a great ol pal of mine from SCDF. I was greatly encouraged to hear that there were many opportunities for the aspiring sound engineers today, and that the school that I am intending to pursue my studies with was labeled as an excellent institute of learning, by this top notch audio engineer himself. Had a great time after that, just walking around and catching up. ABG Nas! You’re the man. You can do it.

Above all, I pray that God will grant me a humble heart, that I may continue to serve in church out of humility, and continue to be used by God in His amazing ways.
