We've a new addition to our family, Xiao Bai. Its a replacement unit for Xiao Hui, who's starting to get a little noisy after ten years of use. And that's Ah Kong KDK, our veteran blade spinner, on the extreme left, who weighs a ton and has been serving us (and is still is serving us) faithfully for close to twenty years. KDK makes lasting stuff indeed (the company has been around for a hundred years) and I'm sure Xiao Bai will continue the tradition of providing us with cool, quiet comfort.
Im on a spree to replace all my fans with KDK/ Panasonic ones when their time is up, because fans of the following brand have proven themselves worthy of the slogan "over the generations". No other brand I've used comes that close to offering that level of reliablity and peace of mind.
Xiao Bai's arrival did cause some complications, of which needs to be resolved. I am a tad crushed and disappointed that my good intentions seemed to have been received wrongly, but it shall not stop me from loving my family and contributing in whatever way I can.
And for those who seen the last post (which has since been removed) and were so forthcoming with your ears and kind words, thank you. I am so blessed indeed.
I shall end off this extremely short post on a happy note: I have been accepted into MDIS to pursue my dip. in Mass Comms! I'll be starting in end June- and thats enough to make me lose sleep for another week (albeit for a good reason) Hello Queenstown!
noed resarf.